Our Approach
Experience and Service All projects are led by a principal. As your partner, we carefully explain the research process: what we plan to do and the reasons why.
Commitment to a Successful Path What is common to our research is the commitment to a rigorous methodology and careful execution based on clients’ specific needs.
Agree on a Research Plan Once we understand clients’ challenges, we work together to develop a customized plan to collect the information necessary to develop a strategy and tactics.
Utilize Appropriate Research Often the foundation to our insights will emerge from qualitative research. In focus groups and in-depth interviews we delve into assumptions and behaviors of our audience. To make well-informed objective strategic decisions, we typically use quantitative data that is collected in surveys.
Must be Actionable After executing the research, we deliver a thorough analysis including recommendations for moving forward.
We often emerge with answers to the hardest questions – why do people react in a certain way, and how can this knowledge be used to achieve our goals?
We subscribe and adhere to the AAPOR Code of Professional Ethics and Practices.